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nanoHUB News: Special Update

Issue 41

Moving your course online? nanoHUB can help with lectures and virtual labs

As the outbreak of COVID-19 pushes universities to adapt quickly for online course delivery, current learning management systems can be stressed and overloaded. is here to:

nanoHUB reaches 1.6 million visitors annually and isn’t limited to the area of nanotechnology.  nanoHUB has supported many fundamental courses in Electrical Engineering (electronics and E&M/photonics), Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, and Bioengineering.  

All of these 6,000+ resources are available at no cost to instructors, classrooms, or individual learners. Below you can find more details on the various services. 

Please let us know through email or our Help/Support link if you have any questions or concerns. We hope we can provide you with some needed help in the rush toward online learning. 

-- the nanoHUB Team 

Ready to use resources and virtual labs for your area

Our curated pages highlight quality material for specific communities:


Create a nanoHUB discussion group for your classroom:

Lecture Deployment

The NCN video production team is available to assist in recording lectures for online delivery. Contact Joe Cychosz, Production Manager at nanoHUB ( for details.

Preparing Online Lecture Material

These lectures are then ready to be uploaded to nanoHUB.

Instructions on publishing resources on nanoHUB: 

Insert Virtual Lab explorations into your existing course:

nanoHUB hosts over 500 simulation apps that are self-contained and easy to use. We have assembled sets of these apps for immediate insertion into existing curricula like:

You can search nanoHUB for specific topics that fit your curriculum. There are several complete science and engineering courses published from which you can select individual lectures. 

Find Course Material

You may navigate to “Learn & Teach” on nanoHUB to view find a large variety of lecture materials and simulation tools that you can immediately use.

Curated Educational Resources to find graduate-level courses by topic. Some courses appropriate for undergraduates follow:



Electrical Engineering

Quantum Mechanics

Materials Science and Engineering




If you need help, we’d be glad to speak with you. Please write to us at