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D. Marshall Porterfield

Professor of Agricultural & Biological Engineering

Contact Information:

E-mail: porterf@purdue.edu
Phone: 765-496-3346
Group Page


BS, University of South Alabama - Mobile, 1993; PhD, Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, 1996

Research Interests:

Atomic Force microscopy; BioKelvin probe; BioMEMS data acquisition; Cell, tissue, and plant culture; Electroanalytical workstations; Fluorescent microscopy; General electronics and instrumentation assembly and testing; Imaging and image analysis; Microsensor (electrochemical and optical) fabrication; Optrodes; Scanning self-referencing sensors; Vibrating probe

Research Impact Statement:

Dr. Porterfield's teaching and research focus is on advanced physiological sensing technologies for research applications in biology, agriculture, and medicine. Specific projects include: scanning probe sensor technology, biosensors, bioMEMS, bionanotechnology, and lab-on-a-chip systems. He also is working with plant systems in bioregenerative life support systems for spaceflight. His work in this area includes cell signaling, biophysical limitations in microgravity, nutrient delivery technology, and biomimetic sensors.